Loving pear trees this Autumn?

Loving pear trees this Autumn?

Compared to other fruits, care of pear trees is simple and straightforward. They don’t suffer from as many diseases or insect problems, thus are easier on the
grower - and who doesn't love that?

Care of pear trees begins right after planting. Pears should be staked with a sturdy post driven into the ground to help the tree grow straight and withstand
wind damage. Mulch at a depth of 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm.) in a three foot (91+ cm.) circle around your tree to prevent weed competition for nutrients and water.
Some gardeners will insist that insecticides and dormant oil spray just before buds blossom are essential to the proper care of pears trees - We are not one of them!

As we mentioned before, pears have fewer insect problems than other fruits. One of the reasons for this is their flower nectar, which isn’t as attractive to insects as other fruits; and as bees are the main pollinators of your pear tree, care should be taken not to drive them away or, worse, kill them. If your first crop, which is usually small and often inedible, is badly damaged, then you’ll
have plenty of time to re-evaluate before the next season. Why work in a non planet loving way? See what nature has to offer first.

Remember, folks have been growing pear trees in their backyard gardens for a long, long time. My grandma loved them for their delicious fruit and grandpa loved them because, once established, they were very little work!

Always remember that organic approaches are safer and more environmentally friendly.

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