We have put together 10 super fun activity ideas for you as the seasons change.  Read everything below and get your bliss on …

10 fun things to do as we embrace the Autumn change –

  • Go for a walk and climb a hill, stand on top of the hill with your arms outstretched, hold your head back and feel the gentle breeze on your skin. Feel alive, liberated and embrace Autumn (if you are here with us in the Southern hemisphere)
  • Go to your local farmers market and select 5 seasonal vegetables you have never cooked before! When you get home, google recipes using these new veggies – ask friends and family to rate new recipes from one to five!
  • Press leaves – keep some of the incredible colours of Autumn pressed in your books. They are always a lovely surprise when you find them in the future.
  • Make “leaf angels” in the Autumn leaves – go on, no one is watching!
  • Go cloud watching – grab your favourite cushion, a blanket and a picnic. Find a field, meadow or beach to lie down. Gaze up and let your imagination be ‘blown away’
  • Pop on your favourite apron and make some cookies – heart-warming and yummy to have with your afternoon tea!
  • Make some room spray. A simple, witch hazel, water and a few drops of your favourite scent, does wonders for your living areas. To elevate happiness in your spaces – try “Flow” room spray. Simply mix 25 drops of orange oil, 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 5 drops of vanilla oil, 2 drops of geranium oil + 1 tablespoon of witch hazel, 1 tablespoon of organic vodka and 60 ml (1/4 cup) of filtered water. Pop in a small spray bottle, shake and spread the joy!
  • Take up knitting or crocheting, while away the hours in a mindful state. Feel like a nanna as a rug grows on your lap as you knit away!
  • Buy a good umbrella – then afternoon strolls can be taken in confidence, and you can use it as a walking stick and stride out!
  • Nap – honestly, this can be done throughout the whole year but seriously, even 10 minutes of downtime can do wonders for the soul

What is your favourite Autumn activity – share it with our community, it will be great to compare fun ideas.

Here’s how you can stay in touch: Tag us at @cream_collection_lifestyle and hashtag #lifestylegreenwearcream

We truly would love to hear from you.

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